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Building Hawaiʻi’s Technology Sector – TRUE Initiative

Paul Yonamine, CHANGE Economy Committee co-chair and member of the TRUE Committee, says Hawaiʻi’s public and private organizations are late adopters of information technology.

“Talent Roadmap” Declares: Now is the Time to Reinvent Hawaiʻi’s Economy

Enhancing workforce development is the starting point, according to a report from the Hawaiʻi Executive Collaborative, which is based on input from almost 200 people.

Restoring Hawaii’s Health

COVID-19 has only widened the gap of economic inequality in our state and exposed our vulnerabilities as an island economy dependent on tourism.

Roadmap to Economic Recovery – Live Interviews with Partners

A new multi-sector partnership is working to craft a roadmap for Hawaii’s economic recovery ― and get tens of thousands of Hawaii residents back to work.

Job Training for Emerging Industries – Interview with Omar Sultan

We are looking ahead to next week, Oct. 15, when we enter a new phase of our economic recovery due to the global pandemic crisis. Visitors to the Islands will be able to bypass the 14-day quarantine under a new pre-travel COVID-19 test program.

An Economic Recovery Guide – Interview with Terry George

The University of Hawaii will announce today a new program to train unemployed workers with new job skills. The program, called Oahu Back To Work, is funded by CARES Act money from the City & County of Honolulu and is free for participants.

Talent Roadmap Launch with Rob Nobriga

The economic hardship felt by our communities due to COVID-19 is severe. Leaders now have the opportunity to take collective action to spur economic recovery, provide career pathways for economic advancement, and ensure there are qualified Hawaiʻi applicants for all job openings.

Talent Roadmap Launch on Howard’s Business Report

The economic hardship felt by our communities due to COVID-19 is severe. Leaders now have the opportunity to take collective action to spur economic recovery, provide career pathways for economic advancement, and ensure there are qualified Hawaiʻi applicants for all job openings.

Partnerships Addressing Impact of Pandemic with Bob Harrison

There's a new scholarship fund to support this year's graduating high school seniors whose school year was cut short. First Hawaiian Bank and Hawaii Community Foundation pitched in $1 million dollars each to start the "Stronger Together Hawaii Scholarship Fund."

Launch of KizunAloha Coalition with Paul Yonamine

The KizunAloha coalition, composed of more than 20 companies, government agencies and nonprofits based in Hawaii and Japan, today unveiled a communications campaign designed to support future economic recovery efforts by engaging the Japanese market during the coronavirus pandemic.